by canyon critter on September 24, 2015
Edi received some new threads in the mail from her aunt Christian.
Don’t you think she wears them well.
oh awkward edi.
Check out Christian’s etsy shop Foxhouse Handmade.
She is not only an amazing designer of things but also an amazing photographer – her photo website here!

by canyon critter on August 9, 2015
I found this video and was like HOW IN THE WORLD did they do this? People make things look so effortless and easy.
That even goes for instagram, photographs etc… Â and trust me, I am in awe half the time wondering about their lives or how they do it, yet what they don’t tell you is…
The behind the scenes of having other people there to guide and assist and edit or the 100 photos they took just to get that one or arranging things just so for that instagram photo to make their feed look perfect.
you know… just sunday thoughts. 😀
My instagram may not be perfect or my little 8mm videos, but I will keep trying and trying and then try 1 million times more to be the best at what I love.
I hope you do the same. 😀
by canyon critter on August 8, 2015
Have you ever watched Chocolat and that scene when she is standing on the water the west wind blowing, she knew it was her time… she was of gypsy blood.
That is how I have felt for 2 years now and the feeling of not being able to leave and move has been destructive to my body and spirit, but… This week finally changes are at least starting.
We are moving out of this house full of memories and into a space that will serve our travels well. I am nervous but excited. It has been a while since we have lived in a tiny home, yet we are not new to it. We lived in an airstream before for 4 years. It just takes some acclimating, walk schedules and making sure everything is in its proper place.
It is freedom.
I have many new ideas and changes that will happen in the next few months. I will be reworking this site, we are starting into some essential oils and I am purging things that are distractions and focusing on more of what makes my heart zoom. I tend to be a jane of all trades but I would rather master some instead of all… for now 😀
Both my Le Howl shop and Le Howl Photography will be shifting a bit and well… I have so many thoughts and ideas, I don’t know where to begin today.
So. Many. Good. Things. Coming…
Ps. I have been watching Juliette of the Herbs movie – holy inspiring.

I am excited to take you on this new journey with me…
Have a lovely weekend, birds.

by canyon critter on August 5, 2015
The time has passed so quickly and yet so slowly this summer. Â Next week the airstream arrives and we move to the country by trees, rolling hills and goats.
To say that we are ready is an understatement…. well, mentally. We still have to pack and I saw we like my dogs have thumbs.
Firstly, Jack goes to the vet tomorrow. I am very worried, but trying to be present and send light and love his way. He has a abscessed tooth – which might require surgery or at least it did with Millie, but Jack is old – probably 17 Â or so. I don’t like putting dogs under the juice especially being that old. Geez, Sally went under probably 8-10 times. She was a fighter.
So for now until… enjoy this little video I made of our new space. I will make better ones, but time was super limited today and enjoy viewing Jack’s most handsome face.

by canyon critter on May 28, 2015