by canyon critter on September 22, 2016
It has been a while! I am on inspiration overload thinking up ideas for this blog and my other… I am so excited! but for now… you must watch this immediately.
The Pugs Of Westeros from Taylor Herring on Vimeo.
ps. in the meantime. check out my instagram pages:
stick around… it is about to get super exciting over here!
by canyon critter on March 22, 2016
It feels like a blink and then spring came. So happy spring to you! So much has happened and I am looking forward to having the time to get back to blogging and revamping this site. We are in a new state. This last week, we moved from Asheville to California. I will be volunteering my photo skills to a disabled animal sanctuary called Healing Heart. I am already head over heels for the goats and I can’t wait to share to many photos. We have a space to garden, walk dogs, and work. I think it will be a good change for us all 😀

by canyon critter on December 7, 2015
I had a lovely birthday filled with cupcakes and wine. Feeling loved is kind of great…
on another note. Waiting on news about land somewhere. Wish us luck. We are really ready to go 😀

by canyon critter on December 6, 2015
I think she is my muse.
She thinks she needs a greeting card line and such… I kind of agree.

We are travelers on a cosmic journey, stardust swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal.Â
We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share. This is a precious moment.Â
A little parenthesis in eternity. ~ Paul Coehlo

on another note… I have been updating the shop. So check it out!

by canyon critter on September 26, 2015
Do you ever feel so many things in one day that you  have to become something else?