by canyon critter on December 23, 2018
I haven’t written in so long… I miss this space. I miss writing…
I have lost so much this last year… but my friend said people hate sadness. So I am trying not to be sad, just walk it out…
How do you do deal with winter sadness or sadness in general?
I like lavender… and tea. I do miss my asheville friends. It is so lonely here. I am usually good with being alone but right now, it is a bit hard. Tis’ ok. the animals cuddle with me and I  will keep working.
I think I will go hug a tree today in the rain….

by canyon critter on May 27, 2017
I have moved to an incredibly beautiful place. The forest, the ocean and the river all within distance of photography and exploration. Yet, I feel so lonely here – which I hate to admit. I figured it was time to start blogging again, so I had a place to connect- even with myself. I am trying to build a beautiful business and start a blog with no one to bounce questions off of except online and as grateful as I am for Facebook and the groups, they can be overwhelming and intimidating. I have even tried putting myself out there to hang out with people, but that didn’t work. haha! I am laughing because I am such an introvert and that took a lot, but there are lessons in everything. I have been down this path before and I think I am being taught to listen to my guides and intuition instead of outside sources. Take Edi on an adventure, meditate and commune with my spirit animals. I know it will all work out and today I am finding myself at peace with these new ways of dealing with such things and I know that truly we are never alone in anything. I guess, just putting my work out into the world with a silent response and then physical self was a bit heart breaking. I won’t let it stop me, it will just shift things a bit and somehow it will make me stronger and more confident.
I am so blessed to be surrounded by such love each day with my babes, I just wish they had business and life advice. ha! They probably do, if I would just listen…
ps. I will be having a shop update this week. Saving for Jack a stroller 😀

by canyon critter on January 21, 2017
Well behaved women rarely make history.
~Eleanor Roosevelt

by canyon critter on January 15, 2017
Can you believe it is already 2017?! Time flies so fast lately… we are working our paws off over here with new ideas and stocking up the shop with new things. Very exciting.
For now -check out some new pouches and Miss Edi – she is getting her own tag line at dog tag art soon… super fantastic!!

by canyon critter on December 13, 2016
Winter we welcome you with open paws, lots of scarf making, hot tea, reading and research about well – dogs of course.
So far we are getting every animal communication book, reading on making how to be better a my photography craft, getting animal reading, and trying new herbs and lots of walks.
How about you?
ps. we are working on a new blog about dogs, life and art… this one will stay dog photos and such, but trust me… you will be excited! so stay tuned!