long day

by canyon critter on September 21, 2007

today was a very long day, i will note you on it tomorrow. However, I wanted to give you an update on Enri. Courtney called me very worried yesterday, as Enri had jaundice and was just pouring out blood. She has IMHA or AIHA (same thing) it is
autoimmune hemolytic anemia it can be common in older dogs. I can’t stress enough (note to self as well) how important it is to get yearly blood work done on your pups. Luckily, Enri is alive today and has stabilized and she has been eating a bit, which is great news. always good when they eat. We are so beyond greatful for the donations for Enri, I know we may not get to 1000 but anything We can offer to Courtney for Enri is so appreciated. Courtney couldn’t believe the generosity and kindness of people.
I will find out the name of the vet tomorrow so donations can be made directly as well.
no picture or inspiration today. Will save that for tomorrow.

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