
by canyon critter on October 25, 2008

Apparently this is a message that I have needed to hear.

The universe gives us what we need, not what we want.
If you pray for patience, God will not give you patience but he will give you the chance to practice patience.
If you pray for forgiveness, He doesn’t give you forgiveness, but he gives us the chance to practice forgiveness.

Yes…The first line is from Cesar Milan and the second and third from a movie. But it is true.
That is why is so important to live in the present. To be a calm assertive person. Living in chaos breeds chaos. It is important to own the vision. To see positive and to see success.

I have always been an anxious person, it was even making my animals anxious. Ansli and Edi were a mess because they fed off that energy. I feel like I am making progress. The walking everyday is helping me as much as it is them. We are all becoming more balanced, but it is an everyday work in progress for all of us.

I feel like there are good things ahead. I have to believe that. My goal now is to focus and follow through on my personal projects. As for my animals…I would love to walk them as a pack and get them healthy with Millie feeling better and Sally her surgery. In the meantime we are doing the best we can with what we have.

Quote of the day:
Anyone can hit a wall. The anguish felt then is proof of one’s desire to move forward. But all is for naught if you falter at that moment. Action-that is the key to breaking through an impasse.
~Buddhist Philosopher Daisaku Ikdea

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