It has been freezing the last couple days. brr… Today I walked the dogs, because as Cesar Millan says exercise first. So with two pairs of pants, four shirts, a coat, scarf, hat and gloves…we were on our way. I am dedicated!
Yesterday I went to Fredonia Humane Society to help with some photos. It was so cold and windy that the photos didn’t turn out that great. But I want start helping with dog walks over there, so I can always take more photos. I really love the dogs they have, so super cute.
I am feeling better about a lot of things lately. Have I told you how much I just love my neighbor. She is so super cool and really made me feel better. One of her dogs isn’t doing so well…so please think good thoughts for Bardo. He needs it. She is so brave taking the older dogs. She knows they may not have long when she takes them, but she wants the end of their time to be spent in warmth and so much love. She is an amazing woman.
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coral is so expressive. and her cool ears will get her a home!