
Old dogs

by canyon critter on June 23, 2012


Does anyone else have a hard time seeing their dogs age? I try to be ok with it – really, I do. I mean it is the cycle of life… Maybe it is that most of my dogs are the same age. Yah! – two dogs almost twelve, and the other two could be between 13-15 – they were rescues, don’t really know. One my other blog I have talked about starting a community area all around the critter. I don’t want to give out too many details, because I really want this to work and I think it could be amazing, but I want to wait until it is launched, but it might be a while. sheesh! that was a lot to say in one breath.

With this new project in the works – I am taking some courses to help guide people with their animals… and me. I need it to help with my animals too.
I think we all want to understand our best friends better and help them on this journey as much as they help us.
So as I write this, my pal Jack (in the photo above) is sitting with me outside. He is pretty amazing and I as much as it has been challenging with him – (only with Conrad – they don’t like each other for some reason) He is such an amazing guy and I am so happy he became a part of our little pack. He is my bud and I love him more than the moon.
So saying all this. Be patient with your aging dogs. Love and hug them all the time because being “present” with the elder dogs means everything today if there isn’t a tomorrow.

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Ball hound

by canyon critter on February 15, 2012


I have 3 ball hounds. Ansli the chocolate dog is a medium ball maniac- mostly just likes to run around and make you catch her. Tamby is a major ball hound -obsessive and Jack is in the middle. He likes to you to throw it IF you can get it away from his paws and then he gets tired and makes YOU go get the ball and throw it again. Oh Jack.







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Face off!

by canyon critter on February 14, 2012


Jack is pretty cute, right! In his elder age he has mellowed a bit… just a bit.

He still doesn’t like Conrad and I think the feeling is mutual.


jackBut seriously, this face. I LOVE this FACE. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Jack.



He looks pretty harmless, right?! Just like a squishy old man. Like when you meet him, you just want to give him kisses and put your face next to his and snuggle.

WELL… I did that when I didn’t know very much and when I first met him and guess what?!

He almost bit my face. He wasn’t being aggressive at all. He just wanted space and I couldn’t blame him. Of course, now I can snuggle and squish all I want and he loves it but he knows me now.

Just like people, dogs like their space. When you first meet someone you don’t get right in their face, give them kisses and rub all over them. Heck, we don’t do that unless we are dating them… am I right? Can we expect any less from any other creature.

It is a matter of respect when you first meet a critter. NEVER EVER put your face in a dog’s face when first meeting them.

I know of two instances and I am sure there are many where people did that and sadly, it decided the dogs fate in that mere instant.

Educate yourself and your kids on dog bite prevention.

Be respectful and don’t be an idiot.


Ps. don’t forget to enter the giveaway that ends Friday! Enter Here.

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by canyon critter on January 20, 2012

It is a bit quiet over here because the mom has a sinus infection, so I will leave you with some handsome Jack




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My name is Jack.

by canyon critter on November 10, 2010

I love Jack. Seriously, LOVE THIS DOG. I didn’t name him, although I think Jack is fitting. I call him Jack, Jackson, Jackie, love muffin, and sometimes when he is naughty a not so nice name. eek!

Here is a site that will help you name your critter, because sometimes it is just hard to pick a name.

Dog Names

also, if you want to buy some special treats for you fur babies and by special I mean – allergy sensitive critters.

Love this site! Gluten free treats and informative about ingredients that are good and bad.

so check them out:  Biscuits By Lambchop

OMG. I could eat these. They sound so yummy!

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