new day

by canyon critter on July 12, 2013

Yesterday was a doozy. I think my horoscope was right for this week.

“Breakthrough will probably not arrive wrapped in sweetness and a warm glow, nor is it likely to be catalyzed by a handsome prince or pretty princess. No, Sagittarius. When the breakthrough barges into your life, it may be a bit dingy and dank, and it may be triggered by questionable decisions or weird karma. So in other words, the breakthrough may have resemblances to a breakdown, at least in the beginning. This would actually be a good omen — a sign that your deliverance is nothing like you imagined it would be, and probably much more interesting. “

I am definitely a fire sign to the core. When I want change – it happens and that means everything. I am finishing my house, so I can finally feel like it is my sanctuary. I won’t have all the furniture and such that I need, but at least it will be painted and arranged and the rest will come in time. I am chopping my hair off completely. Hair holds so much energy and I need to feel light right now. Of course, every time I feel wanderlust, I either cut my hair, get a tattoo or something drastic. Yah, wanderlust. So I will cut my hair. I am also eating whole foods, exercising, working, making art, meditating and making things happen. Just from being in class and really understanding how the foundation of everything is nutrition for our animals… it is for us too. So I am trying each day to eat lots of fruits and veggies and no more bread. And that my friend is really hard for me. I freaking love bread.

so yes… busy as a queen bee 😉
Bracelets on the bench today #lehowl

I am making so many changes that are good. Good to break bad cycles, good to find my goddess again. To be authentic and in the divine feminine. Exquisite self care.

I hope to have the new blog up in a couple weeks. I am not closing this down. This will be what it always has been since 2005. All about life, animals and everything. The other blog – oh man, I see such great things and information. A circle of goodness. I can’t wait.

Let me just have a side note and change the subject… vinegar. White distilled vinegar rocks my world. It takes out pee smell!!! I put some essential oil in and without diluting it put it on my carpet and after a while. voila! I have a nose like a freaking hound which is a gift and a curse. So thank goodness for this blessed liquid. It is also great and safe for cleaning, which is a whole different topic – one I will discuss on the other blog.

ps. This is twiggy and she is just freaking cute.

My heart swells to see her so happy. Today is a good day. #grateful


let it go.

by canyon critter on July 11, 2013

Today it feels as though the rain has filled overflowing the muddy pothole of my mind.

Today I feel it deep as though the clouds feel my heart and weep with me.


I miss them. Each day it isn’t better. Each day is just each day. How to go on without your best friend or one you nurtured and cared for so long. To know spirit. To know so deep in your heart that she/they are still beside you – stretched all the way, curling her toes, looking deep into your eyes and knowing your thoughts before you do or giving silly kisses while rolling around absorbing every minute of her happy life.

I am sitting in the coffee shop in tears. I have no internet at my house. I desperately need a computer. Life felt simpler in the airstream. I miss it, but I know that is not the space I can be in right now. My dad is coming to get it in October and I all ready feel myself grieving. She is such a huge piece of our lives. Phoebe, Ansli and Sally all lived in there.

I know he is just taking it to a safe place – out of the rain. It still hurts. Today everything hurts, though.

My intentions and what actually happens each day is not matching up. I can’t say I haven’t been frustrated with that. Time seems to have its own march and we aren’t in sync.

There are some days you just have to let go…

I feel like I am shedding, but my skin is stuck a bit. Some days I go two steps forward and then the next 4 steps back. The march will eventually move forward. It is all a learning curve.

My animals keep me present. Tambi more than all. I want to laugh with her more and snatch some of her joy that just can’t be tainted. She is truly one to model our lives after. Joy and happiness are not based on situation or minute to minute but our hearts. Our hearts are always truly joyful, we just get jaded by day to day mundane and push it so far down. To clear out all the clutter and find pure love, pure bliss. Yes, don’t mind if I do. The all teach us things. Are you getting it?


Let’s face it, though. Even going through slumps there is always the other side of the wall that we will eventually get to – sometimes the climbing is a slip and fall before a jump and fly.

Like I say… Life can’t be all rainbows and unicorn farts.
Although, today… I would really like to be a unicorn.
Maybe tomorrow.




by canyon critter on July 10, 2013

This is my new friend Mustache. I adore this girl so much. She has some really bad back legs, but that really doesn’t stop her too much 😉




circle of love

by canyon critter on July 10, 2013

“There is a kindness that dwells deep down in things; it presides everywhere, often in the places we least expect. The world can be harsh and negative, but if we remain generous and patient, kindness inevitably reveals itself.”
“Something deep in the human soul seems to depend on the presence of kindness; something instictive in us expects it, and once we sense it we are able to trust and open ourselves…”
“The word kindness has a gentle sound that seems to echo compassionate goodness. When someone is kind to you, you feel understood and seen. There is no judgement or harsh perception directed towards you.”
“Kindness has gracious eyes; it is not small-minded or competitive; it wants nothing back from itself. Kindness strikes a resonance with the depths of your own heart; it also suggests that your vulnerability, though somehow exposed, is not taken advantage of; rather, it has become an occasion for dignity and empathy…”
“Despite all the darkness, human hope is based on the instinct that at the deepest level of reality some intimate kindness holds sway. This is the heart of blessing. To believe in blessing is to believe that our being here, our very presence in the world, is itself the first gift, the primal blessing.”
~John O’ Donohue from To Bless the Space Between Us


Can I just say that it has been almost non-stop rain here in asheville for a month. It has been a bit hard on my spirit but rain or shine -yesterday we started walking again. People and animals need to exercise… it is a must without question. It clears your head, your heart, the toxins, excess energy that can turn negative or into anger. It helps one maintain balance in all areas of their very essence. It feels so amazing and my dogs are so much happier, of course 😉
This last Sunday in herb lab, we learned how to make tinctures from herbalist Joel Boyle of Wind Fox Herbals. It was so different than how I was taught on an online group. My head was spinning with math and calculations. It was so much information. Now I know why people pay people to make brews. oy! but I will do this. I just have to be willing to make mistakes and keep trying. Tinctures are amazing methods of medicine for animals and people.
The biggest thing I am learning in herb class is how very toxic vaccines are and how they are the cause of every kind of allergy, cancer, disease and even behavior. It saddens me that this money maker isn’t questioned by people, but I guess they don’t know any different. Like when people get yearly flu shots and such. I was so dosed with shit as a kid, I am sure my sickness was due to vaccines. My teacher has an amazing blog with so much information on the issues. I suggest you check her out. She  also made this green powder call Spark that is packed with all the green goodness, probiotics, prebitiocs, herbs and such. I am definitely getting this for my dogs- especially as a preventive medicine. I didn’t realize Spirulina helps draw out all kind of toxins. This powder is good for all animals but especially cancer and immune deficiency.
The other thing is the base of everything – nutrition. Sometimes you can treat everything and anything but it won’t change because of bad nutrition – even for people. That is why I love naturopathy, but sadly, there is not a school here in the US for that. The US is so far behind in expanding and learning and recognizing other ways of healing. Australia, Canada and China realize how powerful these healing modalities are. China has thousands of years built on herbal learning from their ancestors, they didn’t just discard it but built this huge cabinet of information and keep expanding. They know how powerful herbs can be. Sadly in the US, we all go to doctors and vets who just make things worse with the “fix it” pills or injections instead of getting to the core of the problem and working from the inside out. Herbal medicine can take time to work, it isn’t a quick fix, but that is what we are all accustomed to. If we all went back to basics of eating whole foods, exercise and rest – for both us and our animals. Our problems would be less. We create this frenzy.
Ok. So off my rant.
If I can ask you to do anything this week… take a walk with nature. The energies and the planets are very intense this week, but going for a walk in the woods, spending time in nature and with our animals will help lesson this impact.


up. down.

by canyon critter on July 4, 2013

This week has gone by in a flash. Monday night I went to an art opening. It was filled with wine, laughs, art, meeting new friends and lots of smiles – definitely needed it after such an emotional weekend.

Super cute pixie fishes


I am back in the studio working on things and inspired to push myself further in all areas of my art and studies. Also, trying to finish my kitchen to start working on my herbs. This sunday in lab, we are doing tinctures for animals. I am so ready for all these good things. My new friend also told me about a class about starting non-profits. Remember that idea inspired by Miss Sally that has been lingering for years. To help raise money for animals who’s parents can’t afford vet care.hmm…Paw print sun mobile#lehowl

love  you birds, be safe today.

Give your dogs some lavender and love because those fireworks can cause so much stress.

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