by canyon critter on September 16, 2013
I will be putting lots of new things in the shop this week – getting ready for the holiday shopping! I will also be donating a portion of the paw print design to a rescue each month. Stay tuned for that…

My helpers for The Big Love Fest yesterday. It was filled with so much magic and Jeri was right across the grass and all my friends came to give me love… It was such a learning experience. I think my boyfriend is glad it’s over… until the next one, I say!

by canyon critter on August 27, 2013

rescued this lil’ guy 5 weeks old and found him an incredible home with my good bud who is a photographer. I am sure we will be seeing lots of amazing photos of him. His name is Mo now.

Eating lots of yummy gluten free, vegan food and working on top secret blog. coming soon.

Back in the studio full force working on new things for the Le Howl shop and Gypsy, Wolf and Willow. Yah. that. These will be in Le Howl shop later today or if you want to buy a pair before they go in or want a custom pair, email me.

and then this cuteness. yes. this.
by canyon critter on July 19, 2013

Here are some animal photobombers.

Last night I had to leave class early because I wasn’t feeling well, but the topic was flower essences – medicine for the soul.
Here is a little page on it over at susun weed.

I saw these bunny yoga poses over here and had to look it up. is AWESOME!

I got my hair cut… long story short, I cried for hours and need lots of hats! So I like this one. and this one.
and of course, big earrings help. So one day, I will own a pair of these. I covet her makings. She is brilliant on every level.
Today’s card:

Have a great weekend, birds. xo
by canyon critter on July 17, 2013
I read the most amazing article this morning. It was like one of those “wow” or “aha” moments. About the Goddess of Never Not Broken… I could go in depth here about it, but for now I just want to take it in and see your thoughts. Here is the article.
I have felt so many changes lately. I am feeling extremely unsettled. Maybe it is the planets, maybe the energies changing or maybe this is a personal journey that I am on. Facing the shadowlands, shedding my skin and releasing and becoming the better part of who I am. I am being guided – I know. Going with the fire in my heart – burning away what no longer serves my highest good. Planting the seeds and letting the transformation begin its process – painful and beautiful.
In SouLodge we are working with Wolf this month. I resonate with her so much as she is one of my totems. I am feeling mostly right now I am in her shadow qualities. I am off balance but finding my way back. I notice when I am working a ton that it throws everything off. I feel it deep when I don’t have time to clean, do laundry, make metal or art, meditate, eat properly, walk dogs because simply I am too tired or working. It doesn’t bring out the best, but it is happening so I have to find ways to work with it instead of fighting it.
Make quick smoothies, go for short morning walks with pups and then if I have to take a 30 min nap – it is ok. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by trying to change and do everything, do what I can and in little bits. It all adds up and will get done and it does amazing things for the mind to accomplish things. So thank you wolf for showing me to command harmony and helping me  find my true nature. All in balance.

Last night in class we made essential oil blends. Before sally passed my friend mixed a blend and I rubbed it on her and I haven’t forgotten that smell. It calms me, so I made a blend to wear daily – frankincense, lavender and bergamot. Frankincense is great for a meditative state, connecting to the spiritual, regenerating skin, treating tumors, lyme disease, infection, reduces wrinkles and helps women’s menstrual problems. Lavender is calming, clears heat and inflammation and helps move the liver Qi. Bergamot is an anti-depressent, clears toxic heat, reduces stress, sadness and moodiness. I used a sweet almond oil base and put it on my pulse points and behind my neck and ears when I am working or needing some calm and a sally feeling.

ps. remember I was talking about dreading my hair. Yah, that isn’t going to happen. I don’t have time to deal with it after talking with my dread head friends 😉 ha. change is good. yah.
by canyon critter on July 14, 2013
I love Sundays. I know you guys have heard me so that a hundred million times. Â Today it is raining and there has also been hard news in the media world. Sometimes I am ashamed of how this country acts, but I won’t go there. I will keep this all in love today.
The world needs love and deep peace. Maybe if we all send enough of it out there, change will happen. We need change, desperately.
So yesterday, I made some big earrings. Really, I was just playing around and they were really big and I loved them. And If you didn’t know about my hair dilemma, I was going to chop it pixie short on wed. I have  long hair and yah. need change. But after thinking on it, I have always wanted dreads, so first I will dread it for a while and then chop it, the best of both. Not that you care about my hair concerns, but whatever.
Isn’t this gorgeous.

Conrad was admiring my earrings. He is the best little guy. He is getting another surgery on Monday, please send him love and healing. I will then put him on an herbal detox and plan. Have I mentioned how much I love my herbal class. My teacher is brilliant.

I am working a ton right now. So my main focus is finishing my house this week and getting the bench back in order. It is all coming together. I am so happy with everything. I just wish I weren’t so tired. I have been biking to work instead of driving again. I am determined to get tone and in shape. My friend sent me this chart. Did I mention that I love my friends… 😉
This is very similar to my yogalosophy video that I have. Staying on a daily program is hard, but it forces you to not waiver and it is so easy to get lazy. I never want to be lazy. I always want to be evolving and growing – spirit, mind and body.

But anyways. Here is a lovely quote for you today.

more tomorrow birds. I have hounds to tend to before work.