by canyon critter on September 26, 2013
The air has been so crisp lately. Waking up to haze and grey, cuddling with pups and drinking hot tea sweetened with agave and soy. ooh! so good. I love fall. Things are starting to settle. I feel that nesting feeling in my bones and soul. It is my favorite time of the year. I even got my yarn out to finish my blanket.
Yah this is Edi – already in her lil’ coat.

The boy is moving in to our house shortly which will make things so much easier. The pups absolutely adore his guts and Honey… oy! that wildling who wanted to eat my dads guts out is completely smitten with him. These are such good things. I am reworking the studio to prepare for more craft shows in the winter. New ideas are blooming and hopefully I will find the time soon to work on these.
BUT to the real reason of this post. I want to support the animal rescues as much as I can. My computer is out or I would take photos for them so until then… I just want to help by giving them exposure. I adore this rescue – Boxers Butts & Other Mutts. They will be on my paw print donation program in November. I hope you will add their facebook page and support them. They just saw two dogs thrown out of a car and took them in… This – my friends, well, they are good people with big hearts.
These are the pups thrown from the car.
Please visit their donation and wish list page.

They are foster only right now and can use all the help they can get. They take dogs that are in HORRIBLE Â shape from the shelters and find them loving homes. Help if you can by donating to their cause. It is all for the mutts!!!
This is Madeline – she had horrible skin and is being nursed back to health in a foster. Isn’t she adorable!

by canyon critter on September 23, 2013
So to reveal the rescue that will receive donations now until Oct 31 – Full Moon Farm Wolfdog Sanctuary in Black Mountain, NC
Visit my shop at Le Howl to buy something gorgeous and support the critters.

Here is a little about them from their website:
Full Moon Farm is an organization dedicated to the well being of the wolfdog (wolf hybrid). Situated on 17 beautiful mountain acres in Black Mountain, NC, we operate as a federally recognized 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization for abused and refused wolfdogs who find themselves in need of love, shelter, and care through no fault of their own.
Full Moon Farm provides a safe haven for animals that cannot be placed into homes for the rest of their lives. Our rescued wolfdogs come from animal control agencies, closed breeding situations and occasionally, an owner in crisis. We evaluate each animal upon intake and work with them at their level of comfort. Some animals are “hands off” and we respect their choice, as well as that of the animals that crave human interaction. Our goal is to enrich the lives of the residents, allowing them to reach their highest potential. Your support by donation or sponsorship makes our task possible.
Though they may be abused or neglected, homeless because of death or divorce, they are all God’s Creatures and worthy of a lifetime of respect. We are here to serve them.
For further information, please continue reading or contact Nancy Brown:
Full Moon Farm
P.O. Box 1374
Black Mountain, NC 28711-1374
Please also add their facebook page. This is an amazing rescue and I am honored to help them this month. $5 from every piece sold from the paw print series will go to help the wolfdogs this month.
by canyon critter on September 23, 2013
The seasons are shifting giving us reason to draw out old sweaters and endless mugs of hot tea. I am ready for this. I am ready to bury myself into the cave and nest. I am feeling myself shift just as the leaves change to brilliant reds and oranges.

There is no such thing as lost opportunity. That which belongs with you will return to you in many forms, until you are ready to receive it. Wholeness gives you everything you need, in each moment.
Meet your immediate needs first – and trust that when you’re ready, what you need next will offer itself. – Hiro Boga

by canyon critter on September 20, 2013
a portion from the paw print series will go to a rescue each month. I will let you know the rescue soon!

The Airstream is now listed for Sale. If you know anyone interested, the contact info is my dad’s in the post.

by canyon critter on September 18, 2013
Life seems so full lately, I shouldn’t complain that it is – full… I could just use a little balance or a breather. Time for meditation again and calm. Everyday day is a new chance for gratitude, love and balance, right!?

I haven’t written much on the blog (which is unusual) since the girls passed. I haven’t felt like talking much, I guess for lots of reasons. In being real and raw… I had a breakdown last week and cried my eyes out for hours missing them. When things get tough, I miss Ansli and Sally. Ansli made everything ok. She was and is my best friend.

Which brings me to this… I am selling the airstream. It is completely bittersweet. I love this girl more than anything in the world. So many memories and moves, but without selling it, I can’t afford to buy a house here and she stands alone – out in the forest. She has too much good energy to be alone and so much to offer someone. So i am listing it this week. I am trying not to cry knowing this is the right decision, but so much blood, sweat and tears were put into this. But new beginnings, right?!. So I will be putting up a page with all the information on what my dad has done along with photos.

on another note… I finished these last night. What do you think? will be adding new stuff to the shop this week!

so anyways… Tonight is the full harvest moon. You can read more about it here on mystic mama and remember to recharge your stones, set some water out for morning moon water drinking and write your intentions and bury them in the earth along with an offering.
I have also had many animal friends cross the last few days. Please send love out into the world. I think a lot of people need it right now.
xo, until tomorrow.