Time feels like it is spinning by lately. I have been working so much that I lost track a bit of things that made my heart flutter. The last few days I have had a wide eye opening and my spirit saying to slow down… reset. I started a new job yesterday. I am hoping that means more money and less days, which would mean more time on my art and herbs, playtime with pups and such. I started running again, which has helped my energy in a huge way. I tend to pin up a lot of things in my little hamster mind and running helps me release everything – toxins in my body, helps my mind clear and helps me feel good about myself. I walked 8 miles yesterday and ran 1.5.
I will be adding more running time, yoga, dog walks and biking. I am also going to start on the 801010 plan. I am feeling strongly called to try it at least for a while. My body is desperately calling for changes. I have abused it for so long with not eating right and taking good care of it. We should treat our bodies like the goddess that we are. right?!
Here is June’s yoga pose list!
I am hoping after this week, I can start sharing with you my other project, but I am not ready yet… 😉
ps. have you made any heart connections this week? My friend’s horse has been so scared to get on the trailer to move to his new house. This morning I went for a walk and wanted to talk with him and I heard a message from him. It was so powerful to hear something from our animal friends. I hope the message he gave me for his mom will help him leave today. His new home is glorious. It even has some baby ground hogs hanging around.
well, birds… have a lovely week.
Tell me something wonderful that happened to you this week, ok?!