Today was somewhat more productive. I sewed a lot! I would take photos, but I don’t want to spoil… I have a date set to open the shop. wahooo!!!!!
I sanded the Argosy but my wrist and arms hurt so much, I couldn’t do it for as long as yesterday.
Yesterday I walked puppy, but I haven’t been walking because it has been cold. I was completely inspired and reminded from a friend tonight that everyday walking needs to happen no matter the weather and no matter how you feel. It Has To Happen! Honestly, there isn’t a great route to walk and I am a bit nervous walking Honey, Jack and Conrad for fear that I might see a dog running loose or Honey freaks out at any noise and movement. Walking in the country is more simple, but I am just going to have to work on all these issues. That was one of my goals anyways.
I decided instead of making a yearly New Years resolutions, I am making monthly goals because right now that works for me. I will share them soon.
music of the day:
cuteness of the day: This is Benson. He is my friend’s dog she rescued from Luv-a-bull.
quote of the day:
We’re just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl year after year. – Pink Floyd, Wish You Were Here
sally of the day: she got a bath and clearly was not happy yet again.
blog of the day: Bloom Grow Love
and I still hope you consider a couple bucks to help this sweet Pittie – Miss Lily
So now I am going to make toast because I love toast so much! I even want to try and crochet this scarf.
Then back to work and my favorite part is cuddles before bed. 😉