off day.

by canyon critter on January 6, 2011


Nothing got done today. I woke up from an extremely weird dream that threw my whole day. I watched Dr. Oz with Deeprak Chopra and felt so inspired to breathe and meditate. I walked a dog and sanded the argosy. Nothing made and still the shop isn’t open. It isn’t open because I don’t have a ton of stuff made, it isn’t open because I am scared to fail. I know… it sounds stupid. I will do it… soon.

today I felt like music.

today – this is the blog I love.

today – this is the dog I want to help… you can too.

Trying to figure out a way to help her raise money… Maybe something with my giveaway this month?!

today – this is the quote:

All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer by the stars. – Rush, The Pass

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Molly January 6, 2011 at 4:40 pm

Oh my goodness! I’m so honored for the shout out & that you like my blog. 🙂 Thank you, thank you!

I can relate to you not being ready to open your shop yet. When I haven’t had a sale for a while, I start to wonder if I should have ever bothered, but then I try to remind myself that just having my book & shop are things I should be proud of. They’re accomplishments, no matter how small. I’ll be looking forward to when you open yours!


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