Lots of changes going on. I feel so calm and happy. What keeps me going is looking forward to traveling, meeting people, taking photos, going to music shows and just experiencing life – Living to the fullest for once. I am so focused and determined. I am feeling like I used to again, like the old me, the creative me. I am inspired now by so many things – smells, textures, colors, people… I have been thinking of more photo projects for when we are traveling – to make money.
I am also researching my new tattoos. Before I go, I would like to get two, one is my symbol for all of who we are and it will be my chest piece. The other one I have wanted for years – on my forearm.
I have also been eating so healthy, working out like crazy by walking the dogs, lifting weights, machines and yoga, I also have been hiking and meditating. It is nice to feel healthy, it makes you feel stronger and confident and I have needed that, especially after feeling so beat down for years. I just want to be as strong as I can for the trip.
Life has been rough, but now it is great. I am starting my 5 things again… maybe you will want to share yours.
Any 5 things you feel grateful for or that make you happy that day.
5 things:
*laying in the grass listening to the breeze
*hugging ansli first thing in the morning
*watching sally dance to her stroller and then stare at me waiting
*chocolate banana smoothies and lots of coffee
*good friends who you can call at 2am and will
listen to you cry, thanks ken.
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