Thank you everyone so much for donating for Sally and Farrah, every bit counts, I promise the estimates will be posted soon, i am writing the person as we speak!.
Your donations means so much!
Sally has been making me laugh so much, I have never seen a dog with a smile ALL THE TIME. and when she is more happy than usual, she turns on her back and squiggles her butt like a floor happy dance. She is the easiet girl to care for, doesn’t make a PEEP and loves to sleep in…she can sleep through anything. I know she will find the best home, she is worth every penny spent. I can’t wait until her legs are fixed, to see her walk normal…there aren’t words for that.
Also thank you everyone for your kind words about my troublesome journey. I had the best intentions for this, but…this is not the place. I am just praying the universe open us a place soon in L.A…but your words have meant the world to me. Thank You.
we are PASSIONATELY looking to go from this…DESERT heat and …
TO THIS…if anyone know of any bungalows or houses for rent in Los Angeles,
Please contact me As Soon As Possible!! we want to go home! 🙂 (the bottom two!)