If you have any questions about Farrah and/or her Surgery, please feel free to contact us at:
also…donations can be made directly to the vet.
Farrah is also looking for a furever home! If interested in this sweet girl, contact the email above.
(her right foot)
Raising money for the girls has been slow going,but we are so greatful to the people that have donated. I am hoping my camera has video on it as I would like us to post a stream of how they walk, so people could understand how important this is. It is painful for me to watch both of them walk, yet their problems are so different. We want to get Farrah’s front leg done first, that is one that will need the fusion, it is like not having a wristbone almost, which makes her walk rotating from shoulder to shoulder and then her backend is also needing surger, eek!. I feel so bad for her, her life has not been a bucket of roses, she was dumped at the shelter b/c her people were having a New Years Eve party and Farrah would cower, she was scared. So they couldn’t be bothered by her, to help her and top it all off, the reason for all these injuries…she had been hit by a car and they didn’t bother to take her to get care, they pain she must have felt. AND THEN to the shelter…the most terrifying place of all especially being a plain red dog…with injuries. thank god for nikki’s love and persistence for this girl. Farrah has not come this far NOT to live a normal life. she has been coming out of her shell, being around other dogs and being socialized at her foster home. Please help us give Farrah a chance at walking and living like a normal, happy dog should.