
Wolf Sanctuary

by canyon critter on August 8, 2012

The last few days I have been researching what my new home (Asheville) will be like with all the restaurants, outdoor activities and different animal rescues and farms. My cousin was telling me about a place she helped out for a semester in high school – it was her project for class. She told me about Full Moon Farm Sanctuary. This is a place that will take wolves and abandoned wolfdogs and give them a safe place to live. My cousins stories were amazing and I have always loved wolves – like intensely. They are so magical and wild. So I am so looking forward to being able to volunteer to say the least. In the meantime, they need new buckets and different supplies for the wolfdogs. Here is a page where you can see their needs and donate and they also have a facebook page.

photo source: Full Moon Farm
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kiss face.

by canyon critter on May 16, 2012

Yes, I know… you just want to shnuzzle and nuzzle this face – am I right??? I do all the time. So kissable.


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Ball hound

by canyon critter on February 15, 2012


I have 3 ball hounds. Ansli the chocolate dog is a medium ball maniac- mostly just likes to run around and make you catch her. Tamby is a major ball hound -obsessive and Jack is in the middle. He likes to you to throw it IF you can get it away from his paws and then he gets tired and makes YOU go get the ball and throw it again. Oh Jack.







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Chocolate Love.

by canyon critter on February 14, 2012

This is how we or I should say “they” spent this love holiday.

You can tell it was a big party over here.

ansliShe is my chocolate kiss 😉

shh! I’m sleeping

Honey stops her barking for a split second to pose and back to annoying Ansli.

This was from our Valentine Day back in 2009 in our Portland house. Ansli was not amused.

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway that ends Friday! Enter here.

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Face off!

by canyon critter on February 14, 2012


Jack is pretty cute, right! In his elder age he has mellowed a bit… just a bit.

He still doesn’t like Conrad and I think the feeling is mutual.


jackBut seriously, this face. I LOVE this FACE. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Jack.



He looks pretty harmless, right?! Just like a squishy old man. Like when you meet him, you just want to give him kisses and put your face next to his and snuggle.

WELL… I did that when I didn’t know very much and when I first met him and guess what?!

He almost bit my face. He wasn’t being aggressive at all. He just wanted space and I couldn’t blame him. Of course, now I can snuggle and squish all I want and he loves it but he knows me now.

Just like people, dogs like their space. When you first meet someone you don’t get right in their face, give them kisses and rub all over them. Heck, we don’t do that unless we are dating them… am I right? Can we expect any less from any other creature.

It is a matter of respect when you first meet a critter. NEVER EVER put your face in a dog’s face when first meeting them.

I know of two instances and I am sure there are many where people did that and sadly, it decided the dogs fate in that mere instant.

Educate yourself and your kids on dog bite prevention.

Be respectful and don’t be an idiot.


Ps. don’t forget to enter the giveaway that ends Friday! Enter Here.

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