oh wind.

by canyon critter on May 12, 2011

I think the wind has caused this ugly sinus infection or maybe lack of nutrients. hehe. I don’t fell well and that kind of makes getting things done go a bit slower, but that is ok… sometimes you have to have a slow day. One thing to remember don’t stress – the universe always works everything out. I say this in that I am looking for a part time job while trying to do my shop and frustration tends to happen sometimes and then sickness. However, somehow I stumbled across this awesome life coaching type blog and I am in love. I feel so inspired again and like things are possible, my shop can do this… I can do this. I love her and she is my new hero. Seriously. I have other blogs I read that are inspiring but this one… got me at this moment in my life… so thank you, dear girl.

We all need a little pick me up sometime. WoowZZa.

so lots to do tomorrow. Busy mode has set in big time and that is a good thing. I hope your week is going well. Is it?


nom nom
budget eating at its finest 😉

out & about
cute photo of safari cat.

5 things.

1. seeing exotic animals today and one having a dog as a best friend

2. my best friends are my dogs 😉

3. eating bread. it has been 3 weeks

4. talking with friends

5. finding vegan cupcake recipes. nom nom

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